What are Sinkholes? Sinkholes are ground-surface depressions that result when a subterranean void weakens support of the overlying earth. Why are Sinkholes a Concern for Inspectors? They threaten water supplies by draining unfiltered water from streams, lakes, and wetlands directly into aquifers. They kill and injure people. A person can be harmed when stepping into an existing sinkhole or when the ground beneath gives way during a sinkhole’s collapse. Sinkholes can cause structural damage and instability under buildings, roads and bridges. Repairing them after collapse is expensive and requires specialized knowledge. The underlying cause of the sinkhole must be addressed first, or the repair may prove to be only temporary. Formation Natural sinkholes are formed when sub-surface rock dissolves to create underground cavities. They are most often found where the rock below the land surface is limestone, dolo...
How Can I Edit The Windows Hosts File? Mark wrote an article explaining how to block websites via the Hosts file, which covers almost everything you need to know: Create your own Internet Filter with the Windows Hosts file. I will briefly describe how to edit the file in Windows 7. Open Notepad as Administrator. For this go to > Start > All Programs > Accessories, right-click > Notepad and select > Run as administrator. When asked whether you > (...) want to allow the following program to make changes to the computer, select > Yes. From within Notepad go to > File > Open and browse to the Hosts file, which is located under > C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. The folder will be empty as it's only showing *.txt files. In the bottom right of the folder click the drop-down menu and select > All Files. The Windows HOSTS file allows you to block websites very easily and for free Thanks for watching
Human Brain Analysis - Man vs. Woman 1. MULTI-TASKING Women - Multiple processes Women's brains are designed to concentrate on multiple tasks at a time. Women can Watch TV Talk over the phone and cook. Men - Single Process Men's brains are designed to concentrate only one work at a time. Men can not watch TV and talk over the phone at the same time. they stop the TV while Talking. They can either watch TV talk over the phone or cook. 2. LANGUAGE Women can easily learn many languages. But can not find solutions to problems. Men can not easily learn languages, they can easily solve problems. That's why on average 3-year-old girl has a three times higher vocabulary than a 3-year-old boy. 3. ANALYTICAL SKILLS Men's brains have a lot of space for handling the analytical process. They can analyze and find the solution for a process and design a map of a building easily. But If a complex map is viewed by women, they can not understand it. Women can not understand ...